Role Models
Deaf people are hardly visible in our society. To shine a spotlight on Deaf people and their work situations is the best and most effective way to build Deaf Awareness, and especially “Deafness at Work” to the employment sector.
Portraits and reports about the Deaf at work, give helpful tips for employers who aren’t familiar with issues about the integration of Deaf individuals in their companies or institutions. The portraits are also enriching and motivational for Deaf youngsters to get first hand information about real work experience from their peers.
Signs for Handshakes produces during project life time a wide range of Videoportraits from Bulgaria, Austria and Slovenia and do a research of international wide examples.
Deaf? So what!
Graphic-design, pharmaceutical sector, cleaning operations, tool engineering, healthcare and much more: Deaf role models introduce themselves.
Signs for Handshakes produces during project life time a wide range of videoportraits from Bulgaria, Austria and Slovenia and do a research of international wide examples.
© S4H