„Участието на хора с увреждания в обществото е от голямо значение за Министерството на социалните дейности, както и включването им на пазара на труда. Ние се опитваме да подкрепяме това с всичко, което имаме на разположение, и особено при младите хора при техния преход от училище към работа. Това е съществена част. Стараем се да […]
Monat: Oktober 2016
EN – Social Ministry Service, Departement Vienna
“The participation of people with disabilities within society is of great importance to the Ministry for Social Affairs as well as within the job market. We try to support that with all the means at our disposal and especially with young people in their transition from school to the workplace. That is an essential part.” […]
{:de}EN – Deaf people DO have interesting jobs, part 1, AUSTRALIA{:}{:en}EN – Deaf People Do have interesting Jobs, part 1, AUSTRALIA{:}{:bg}EN – Deaf People Do have interesting Jobs, part 1, AUSTRALIA{:}{:sl}EN – Deaf People Do have interesting Jobs, part 1, AUSTRALIA{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Michelle O’Neill (Dental Nurse), Dale Hynes (Builder), Melanie Pritchard (Graphic Designer), Wayne Van der Poel (Truck Driver), Kathy Skellarios (Pathology Collector), Ashleig Kedge (Hairdresser), Brent Phillips (Project Coordinator), Walid Masri (Driving Instructor), Brooke Harrison (Dog Groomer), Jo Richards (School teacher), Jasveen Kaur (Finance Analyst). ©Deaf Children Australia CC Bulgarian, English, German, Slovenian