{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] „You’d be shocked. We are doctors, lawyers, filmmakers, race car drivers, teachers, inventors, CEOs, chefs, video gamers, musicians, singers, comedians, writers and parents. Need we say more?“ © Sarah Snow & Jules Dameron CC Bulgarian, English, German, Slovenian
{:de}EN – Snezhanka Asenova, graphic design, BULGARIA, Sofia{:}{:en} Snezhanka Asenova, graphic design, BULGARIA, Sofia{:}{:bg} Снежанка Асенова, графичен дизайн, България, София{:}{:sl} Snezhanka Asenova, grafično oblikovanje, BOLJARIJA,Sofija{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “For instance, a company wants to hire us for the organisation of an event: we offer programmes, presentations and offers in various places. When the organisation of the event starts my colleagues plan the work, make reservations and prepare programmes. They give me tasks for graphic designing like developing the overall concept for events […]
{:de}EN – Barmherzige Brüder hospital, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:en}Barmherzige Brüder hospital, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:bg}болница Barmherzige Brüder, Австрия, Виена{:}{:sl}Bolnišnici Barmherzige Brüder, Avstrija, Dunaj {:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] „For the future I hope that many more Deaf people are working in the health care sector, for example, Laboratory assistants, nutritionists, physiotherapists etc. „(Patrick Martinetz, male nurse) © S4H | equalizent CC Bulgarian, English, German, Slovenian
{:de}EN – Ilona Seifert, WITAF – network for career assistance, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:en}Ilona Seifert, WITAF – network for career assistance, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:bg}Илона Зайферт, консултант, Австрия, Виена{:}{:sl}Ilona Seifert, Svetovalec, Avstrija, Dunaj{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “How can the chances regarding future employment for Deaf people be improved? The key is offering more information for hearing people (…) To know how to communicate with each other, to know how to, for example, request an interpreter etc. The more accessibility is present, the easier an employment works out.” (Ilona Seifert) © […]
{:de}EN – Christian Fischer, Kindergarten assistance pedagogue, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:en}Christian Fischer, Kindergarten assistance pedagogue, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:bg} Christian Fischer, асистент в детска градина, Австрия, Виена{:}{:sl}Christian Fischer, Vrtec učitelj pomočnik, Avstrija, Dunaj {:}
{:de} “My suggestion for companies: If a Deaf person applies, please do not reject the application immediately. Keep open-minded, give him/her the possibility for a personal job interview, to get to know each other. So everything becomes clearer.“ (Christian Fischer) © S4H | equalizent CC Bulgarian, German, English, Slovenian
{:de}EN – SignTime GmbH, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:en}SignTime GmbH, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:bg}SignTime GmbH, Австрия, Виена{:}{:sl} SignTime GmbH, Avstrija, Dunaj {:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] „Our company is an excellent example for successful collaboration of hearing and Deaf colleagues. In this particular constellation, this team shows a very high performance and the best quality. This wouldn’t be possible in any other constellation.“ (Dr. Georg Tschare, CEO) © S4H | equalizent CC Bulgarian, German, English, Slovenian
{:de}EN – Deaf people DO have interesting jobs, part 2, AUSTRALIA{:}{:en}Deaf People Do have interesting Jobs, Part2{:}
{:de} This short preview highlights a number of Deaf people in professional occupations: Peter Stanhope (Technical Officer), Stephanie von Langenberg (Fashion Designer), John Eagle (Dry Cleaner), Julia Murphy (Cashier Operator), Karli Dettman (Yoga Instructor). Peter Swarle (Building Designer), Alice Ewing (Zoologist/Ecologist) and James Hale (Chef). ©Deaf Children Australia CC English, German
{:de}EN – Zaupanje (trust) SLOVENIA, Celje{:}{:en}Zaupanje (trust) SLOVENIA, Celje{:}{:bg}Zaupanje (доверие), Словения, Celje{:}{:sl}Zaupanje, SLOVENIJA, Celje{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “Despite being a company for disabled people, we have to prove ourselves in the market, find business and carry it out well and market our services.” © S4H | racio CC Bulgarian, German, English, Slovenian
{:de}EN – Alexander Ivanov, media industry, BULGARIA, Sofia{:}{:en}Alexander Ivanov, media industry, BULGARIA, Sofia{:}{:bg}Александър Иванов, медийната индустрия, България, София{:}{:sl}Alexander Ivanov, medijske industrije, BOLJARIJA, Sofija{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “I was the only Deaf among hearing at school; then again at the university,where I graduated with a degree in Animation cinema and Graphic and Illustration. I believed in myself that I can work as a creative specialist.” (Alexander Ivanov) © S4H | Assist Net CC Bulgarian, English, German, Slovenian
{:de}EN – Maja Kuzma, journalist, SLOVENIA, Celje{:}{:en}Maja Kuzma, journalist, SLOVENIA, Celje{:}{:bg}Мая Кузма, журналист, Словения, Celje{:}{:sl}Maja Kuzma, novinar, SLOVENIJA, Celje{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] „Als Journalistin zu arbeiten […] hat mich stärker und selbstbewusster gemacht.“ (Maja Kuzma) © S4H | racio CC Bulgarisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Slowenisch