{:de} “In 2004, I was recognized by the Ministry of Culture as Freelance Cultural Worker. I was one of the first Deaf and disabled to be awarded such a status. (…) Working in the theater fills me with positive energy.” © S4H | racio CC Bulgarian, Englisch,German, Slovenian
{:de}EN – I’m a deaf ski instructor{:}{:en}I’m a deaf ski instructor{:}{:bg}I’m a deaf ski instructor{:}{:sl}I’m a deaf ski instructor{:}
{:de} „If there is something you dream of – do it! Go for it because there is nothing that is impossible. Anything you want to do, go and do it, try and achieve what you want, like I did here.“ (Arren) © Children’s Deaf Society (U.K) CC Bulgarian, Englisch, German, Slovenian
{:de}EN – TIPK Ltd., TV production, SLOVENIA, Celje{:}{:en}TIPK Ltd., TV production, SLOVENIA, Celje{:}{:bg}TIPK, телевизионни продукции, Словения, Celje{:}{:sl}TIPK d.o.o., televizijaza, SLOVENIJA, Celje{:}
{:de}[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] TIPK Ltd. is directed and managed by a deaf person. It was established in 2013.It operates in different fields,but its main activity is TV production for the Deaf and hard of Hearing © S4H | racio CC Bulgarian, German, English, Slovenian
EN – I’m a deaf social worker
“I’m a Social Care Manager and I’m deaf. I grew up in the deaf community, so I feel deafness is a part of who I am. I haven’t lost anything; it just is who I am, so I view deafness in a very positive way.” (Frankie) © Children’s Deaf Society (U.K) CC Bulgarian, English, German, […]