{:de}EN – Barmherzige Brüder hospital, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:en}Barmherzige Brüder hospital, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:bg}болница Barmherzige Brüder, Австрия, Виена{:}{:sl}Bolnišnici Barmherzige Brüder, Avstrija, Dunaj {:}



„For the future I hope that many more Deaf people are working in the health care sector, for example, Laboratory assistants,  nutritionists, physiotherapists etc. „(Patrick Martinetz,  male nurse)

© S4H | equalizent
CC  Bulgarian, English, German, Slovenian


„For the future I hope that many more Deaf people are working in the health care sector, for example, Laboratory assistants,  nutritionists, physiotherapists etc. „(Patrick Martinetz,  male nurse)

© S4H | equalizent
CC  Bulgarian, English, German, Slovenian


„For the future I hope that many more Deaf people are working in the health care sector, for example, Laboratory assistants,  nutritionists, physiotherapists etc. „(Patrick Martinetz,  male nurse)

© S4H | equalizent
CC  Български, Английски, Немски, словенски


„For the future I hope that many more Deaf people are working in the health care sector, for example, Laboratory assistants,  nutritionists, physiotherapists etc. „(Patrick Martinetz,  male nurse)

© S4H | equalizent
CC bolgarščina, angleščina, nemščina, slovenščina



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