{:de}EN – SignTime GmbH, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:en}SignTime GmbH, AUSTRIA, Vienna{:}{:bg}SignTime GmbH, Австрия, Виена{:}{:sl} SignTime GmbH, Avstrija, Dunaj {:}

„Our company is an excellent example for successful collaboration of hearing and Deaf colleagues. In this particular constellation, this team shows a very high performance and the best quality. This wouldn’t be possible in any other constellation.“ (Dr. Georg Tschare, CEO)
© S4H | equalizent
CC Bulgarian, German, English, Slovenian
„Our company is an excellent example for successful collaboration of hearing and Deaf colleagues. In this particular constellation, this team shows a very high performance and the best quality. This wouldn’t be possible in any other constellation.“ (Dr. Georg Tschare, CEO)
© S4H | equalizent
CC Bulgarian, German, English, Slovenian
„Нашата фирма е отличен пример за успешно сътрудничество между чуващи и глухи колеги. В това особено съчетание този екип постига много високи резултати и най-добро качество. Това няма да е възможно в никакъв друг състав.“ (Dr. Georg Tschare, CEO)
© S4H | equalizent
CC Български, Английски, Немски, словенски
„Naše podjetje je odličen primer uspešnega sodelovanja med slišečimi in gluhimi sodelavci.S tako strukturiranostjo ekipe sodelavcev podjetje dosega visoke rezultate produktivnosti in kakovosti. To ne bi bilo mogoče v nobeni drugi sestavi.“ (Dr. Georg Tschare, CEO)
© S4H | equalizent
CC bolgarščina, angleščina, nemščina, slovenščina
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